Angus O Macdonald is an artist, writer, and time-based media archivist based in, and splitting time between, Tkaronto CA and online Cyberspace. He is interested in the documentation of installation and performance art, the theory and practice of archiving dance, and the restoration and conservation of new media.

He has worked as an audiovisual archivist at the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe GR, Vtape and the Archives of Ontario in Toronto CA, and Public Energy in Peterborough CA. He is a member of the INCCA, AMIA, and CAC-ACCR, is a student researcher for the Archive/Counterarchive project, and a standing board member of the8fest Small Gauge Film Festival. He is currently a Development Assistant at the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto (MOCA).


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